Lunch Menu Changes for Next Week!

fun day

As you already know, Monday is our school Fun Day and children should come to school wearing suitable sports clothing to allow them to take part in various physical activities. On this day, the lunch will be served in bags to allow children to eat outside if the weather is nice. The lunch options are:

Red – Pizza

Green – Tuna Sandwich

Yellow – Cheese Sandwich

As we finish at 1pm on Wednesday, ham or cheese sandwiches will be available only to children who are entitled to Free School Meals. Sandwiches will be put in bags and given to children to eat in class, they will not go to the Dinner Hall. There will also be no paid dinners on this day. Thank you!

School Lunches


As you are already aware, chilled tap water is now being served at lunchtimes instead of cartons of milk or juice. If children prefer, they can bring a carton or bottle of flavoured water or diluting juice with them to the dinner hall at lunch time. As always, only plain water is allowed in classrooms. Thank you for your support with this!