Adverse Weather Plan

In the event of adverse weather conditions, travelling to and from school may become more difficult. All SLC schools have plans in place which includes a priority pathway to and from the entrance gate. Janitors therefore are under instruction as to where and when gritting is necessary. At Udston Primary, the priority gate is the MUGA entrance (Route 1). However, if weather conditions are particularly treacherous, the priority route is the front pedestrian gate (Route 2). The back gate would not be used in Adverse Weather Plans.

Every effort is always made to open the MUGA gate, where possible. We will however aim to update families in the event that the MUGA gate is closed, using the school App &/or Twitter).

The Adverse Weather Plan arrangements for before 9am are the same as our current timeline during COVID-19 restrictions.

In the event of insufficient numbers of staff being in the building at 9am, a decision regarding any potential school closure would be made at the time and families notified accordingly (usually via our App & Twitter).

Please click on the link below to view the Adverse Weather Plan diagram.

Adverse Weather Plan

Free Webinars

The National Autistic Society is running a series of free webinars to help parents/carers understand their child’s Autism and support them effectively.  These webinars offer a range of strategies that would benefit many children regardless of a diagnosis. Please click on the link if you are interested in this.

Interim Reports

October break

We can’t believe it is now the October holiday week! A very unusual first term, but the pupils and staff have worked extremely hard and have coped well with all the new routines and procedures.

Please click on the link below to read a letter about Interim Reports, which will go out at the end of the month.

Interim reports – letters to families

We wish everyone a very safe and enjoyable week – remember to follow the guidelines so we can keep coming to school! See you on Monday 19th October.