Free Webinars

The National Autistic Society is running a series of free webinars to help parents/carers understand their child’s Autism and support them effectively.  These webinars offer a range of strategies that would benefit many children regardless of a diagnosis. Please click on the link if you are interested in this.

Anti-Bullying Parent/Carer Survey Links

please help

Please click on the link below to access our parent/carer Anti-Bullying Questionnaires which should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Your views are a crucial part of our policy review process and the results of the surveys will be collated and shared, along with the views of our pupils and staff, during our Working Group meetings to inform our next steps. If you have more than one child at the school, please choose only one survey to complete.

Anti-Bullying Questionnaire (Infants) 

Anti-Bullying Questionnaire (Middle School)

Anti-Bullying Questionnaire (Seniors)

If you would like to become involved in our Policy Review Working Group, please contact Mrs Turnbull via the School Office for more information.

Many thanks for your support!