‘The Journey’ Road Safety presentation for P7

As mentioned in the latest newsletter, our P7 pupils will be taking part in a workshop on Tuesday 16th February. The presentation that they will watch first aims to explore the developing relationships that friends have as they move into High School. Since our P7’s are beginning this transition we are sure it will be a very beneficial activity.


‘The Journey’

A Road Safety Presentation for Primary 7 Students

The play ‘The Journey’, will explore the developing relationships in a group of young friends as they journey through primary school towards secondary school.  The people they meet and the places they go, exert different influences on their behaviour. Parents and teachers may put on certain restrictions whereas peer pressure may encourage a sense of rebellion.

As they move into adolescence, attempting to cope with these influences, one of the girls downloads the ‘Risk-O-Meter’ App. This provides a useful insight into their attitudes to risk as their relationships develop and they begin to confide in each other, whilst at the same time enjoying life and trying to comes to term with the changes affecting them.  As they grow older they experience more freedom, staying out later and travelling further afield.  The lack of parental control is not always accompanied by the sense of responsibility it requires.

Key aims of the production are:

  • To make the P7 children aware of the dangers they may face during their early years at secondary school.
  • To help them realise why those dangers are particularly relevant to that specific age group.
  • To enable them to analyse, discuss and change decisions and outcomes.
  • To help them balance what they know to be the correct and safe options, with the ever-increasing pressures encouraging them to rebel.

The presentation is supported by an interactive workshop which looks at the main themes of the play again in more detail.  This enables us to further embed the learning with the students.